Friday, January 30, 2009

well, I had a basketball practice last night it was fun we scrimmaged, we practiced on passing and shooting....

trust me my team stinks at shooting.... we have only made 10 shots this whole entire season .We the lost the first game on the 24Th and we have another game tomorrow the 31st I hope we win.

...., oh.... and we gave my little sister mountain dew last night she was cccraaaazzzyyyy but we knew that would happen,that's it bye .


  1. Hope your team improves sounds frustrating. And giving your baby sister Mountain Dew... hmmm is that science? To see what would happen? Your hypothesis came true :laugh:

    Congratulations on starting a blog!

  2. Hi, this is your cousin Renee.

    Aven had Mountain Dew?? Oh lordy. I love the stuff but too much and it'll make anyone crazy.

    When did your basketball season start and how long does it go for?

  3. Chase! Congratulations on having your own blog! You are so very smart to be able to do this. I read your mother's blog every day. I feel like I know your family very well. This is so exciting to be able to read your blog now. We can all watch you grow up, right here on our own computer. Have fun at your game. I do hope you win this game, but if you don't, that's OK too. Getting out there to play with all the other kids is what is important. Win or lose, have fun!!!

  4. Oh dear, Mountain Dew?!? My 3yo son (he'll be 3 next Sunday!) gets hyped up on any kind of soda, but Sunkist is the worst. One cup of that and WATCH OUT! :-) Aren't little ones fun?

  5. Hi Chase!

    I read your mom's blog and congratulate you on starting one. It is fun! I also have a 12 year old named CHASE and he started a blog a few months ago. I know he would love it if you check it out, and I'll tell him about yours. The address is
